Time Indefinite
Maddie Thorton has journeyed back in
time to the Year of Our Lord, 1878.
Her mission is a mystery, her bewilderment complete.
Is a return to her own time possible? That
remains to be seen.
She is left to fend for herself, isolated,
relying solely on her intelligence to
survive in an era that is foreign to her.
What led her to this moment in her life?
It all began with a television show.
Historical Romance
Book Purchase Link
Barnes & Noble : https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/time-indefinite-elise-c-davies/1146363854;jsessionid=657AFC04C8DA6525EB47A8500EB09F04.prodny_store01-atgap17?ean=2
Apple Books : https://books.apple.com/us/author/elise-c-davies/id1734055032
Kobo : https://www.kobo.com/us/en/search?query=elise+c+davies&ac=1&acp=elise+c+davies&ac.author=elise+c+davies&sort=Temperature&fclanguages=en
Website Link
Publisher Name : Elise C. Davies
Publisher Website

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