Allan Krummenacker
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I was born and raised on Long Island New York. Always a dreamer I fell in love with Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Horror shows and movies. Some of my favorite all time TV shows that I still watch are the original Dark Shadows, the original Twilight Zone series, Doctor Who, The Outer Limits (original) etc.
I came to California in the mid 1980's where I fell in with a great crowd of Doctor Who fans who introduced me to other science fiction clubs and conventions. It was here that I met my wife and future co-author Helen. Together, we began attending sci-fi conventions and learned a great deal from authors, actors, and those folks in the special effects departments. All these experiences helpedMore
Soon I realized my writing efforts had taken on a completely different life from the shows I had based them on. So I began taking the story lines I'd created and re-populated them with original characters and locations. The result was the Para-Earth Series a unique blend of paranormal and science fiction. But it was a project I couldn't flesh out on my own, I needed help. So I turned to my wife Helen and together we began to introduce both our characters, and the readers, to a whole new vision of the parallel world concept.
Readers will find our stories taking them on journeys from the mysterious, to the terrifying. But they will also find each story contains a lot of heartfelt and often amusing moments along the way, before racing to an exhilarating and climactic finale.
To date we've produced three novels and one anthology, with more coming.
NOTE: I've also added Voice Over Artist to my resume and have narrated four books on Audible. These books are under the name "Forever Detective Series" and are all set in 1940's New York City, and star Rafael Jones a former policeman turned private investigator, turned vampire who continues to take on cases both mundane and supernatural.

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